Modern equipments purchase Loan

 Modern equipment purchase Loan:

Loan info published at

The  Modern equipments purchase Loan is available for farmers to buy modern agricultural equipments for own use or to hire. The maximum of 70% of the total cost of the equipment you can get, The security type for this loan is simple mortgage of collateral property.

The Modern equipments purchase Loan details are as follows

Purpose of the loan: To buy modern agricultural equipments for own use or to hire. 

Interest Rate: 10 to 11.75%

(Interest rate may vary periodically- Check back website for interest rates, or visit nearest branch )

Quantum of finance: 70% of the quotation or scale of finance fixed by the bank per acre whichever is less.

Security: Simple mortgage of the collateral property.

Term: 3 yearly instalments for the loan within Rs.1.50 lakhs.

Term: 5 yearly instalments for the loan above Rs.1.50 lakhs.

Click here for more details on  bank website

Modern equipments purchase Loan
