What is the Loan limit a farmer can get at concessional interest rate?
Short term agricultural loan upto Rs.3.00 Lakhs, medium and long term agricultural loans upto Rs.10.00 lakhs are available at concessional rate through Cooperative institutions .he can also get the loans above these limits at normal interest rate.Short term loans are sanctioned based on his land holding and crop grown according to the scale of finance fixed by District level technical committee which will comprise NABARD district level officer, Officers from the Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Fishery, Co-operation and farmers as well in case of short term loans and indicative cost as fixed by NABARD in case of Medium and Long term Loans.
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Short term agricultural loan upto Rs.3.00 Lakhs, medium and long term agricultural loans upto Rs.10.00 lakhs are available at concessional rate through Cooperative institutions .he can also get the loans above these limits at normal interest rate.Short term loans are sanctioned based on his land holding and crop grown according to the scale of finance fixed by District level technical committee which will comprise NABARD district level officer, Officers from the Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Fishery, Co-operation and farmers as well in case of short term loans and indicative cost as fixed by NABARD in case of Medium and Long term Loans.
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