Loan info published @
A beneficiary has concession upto Rs.3.00 Lakhs for the year 2014-15 on short term Agriculture loans i.e, he need not pay interest upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs and on Meduim and Long term Agricultural loans he has to pay 3% interset nterest per annum up to the due date or the end of the repayment period whichever is earlier. Government will reimburse the differential rate of interest to financial institutions on behalf of farmers. If he fails to repay the loan on the due date of the loan to Co- operative institutions, he has to pay the normal rate of interest as fixed by the institution. Hence this scheme is beneficial if the loanee repays the loan amount with in the due date.
For more details click here
Loan info published @
A beneficiary has concession upto Rs.3.00 Lakhs for the year 2014-15 on short term Agriculture loans i.e, he need not pay interest upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs and on Meduim and Long term Agricultural loans he has to pay 3% interset nterest per annum up to the due date or the end of the repayment period whichever is earlier. Government will reimburse the differential rate of interest to financial institutions on behalf of farmers. If he fails to repay the loan on the due date of the loan to Co- operative institutions, he has to pay the normal rate of interest as fixed by the institution. Hence this scheme is beneficial if the loanee repays the loan amount with in the due date.
For more details click here