Loan info published @

Educational Qualification: 8th passed. Preference will be given to those who have been trained for any trade in Government recognised/approved institutions for a duration of at least six months

Family income: Neither the income of the beneficiary along with the spouse nor the income of parents of the beneficiaries shall exceed Rs.40000 pa
Age: For all educated unemployed between the age group of 18-40 years, in general with a 10 years relaxation for SC/STs, ex-servicemen, physically handicapped and women.

Defaulter: Should not be a defaulter to any nationalized bank / financial institution/cooperative bank. Further, a person already assisted under other subsidy linked government schemes would not be eligible under this scheme.
Activities covered: All economically viable activities including agriculture and allied activities but excluding direct agricultural operations like raising crop, purchase of manure etc.

Residence: Permanent resident of the area for at least 3 years.

Project cost: Rs.1.00 lakh for business sector. Rs. 2.00 lakhs for other activities. Loan to be of composite nature. If two or more eligible persons join together in a partnership, project upto Rs.10.00 lakhs are covered. Assistance shall be limited to individual admissibility.

Subsidy and Margin money: Subsidy will be limited to 15% of the project cost subject to ceiling of Rs.7,500/- per entrepreneur. Banks will be allowed to take margin money from the entrepreneur varying from 5% to 16.25% of the project costs as to make the total of the subsidy and the margin money equal to 20% of the project cost.

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