BANK LOAN UP TO 10,00,000 WITH 2,00,000 SUBSIDY

MPSC/JC (Multi-Purpose Service Centres/Job clubs)
Loan info published @

This scheme was sanctioned vide GO(P)No.143/2007/Labour date 28.10.2007. MPJC is a group oriented self-employment scheme for development of enterprises in the unorganised sector. This scheme contemplates establishment of multi-purpose service centres under duly constituted groups of qualified and registered unemployed persons, in the unorganised sector.

Bank loan up to Rs. 10,00,000 is given for starting self-employment group ventures of 2 to 5 members, out of which 25% subject to maximum of Rs. 2,00,000/- is re-imbursed as Government subsidy through Employment Department. The scheme is incorporated with Credit Guarantee Scheme.

In the job club there should be 2 to 5 members and one among them will be the team leader. Other members will be partners. A partnership agreement in a stamped paper of Rs.50/ is to be signed by them. They are individually, collectively and equally responsible for satisfying the conditions stipulated by the financial institutions in respect of providing security/ guarantee, for the successful implementation of the project and for the repayment of the loan amount. 


All unemployed persons in the live Register of Employment Exchanges between the age limit 21 - 40 with relaxation in the upper age limit of three years to OBC applicants and 5 years to SC/ ST/PH applicants are eligible. The annual family income should not exceed Rs.50,000/-. Beneficiary contribution is 10%.

Educational Qualification should suit the project selected. Preference will be given to those with professional or technical qualification and beneficiaries of unemployment dole scheme.


Application forms are available free of cost from the Employment Exchange where the candidate is registered and is to be submitted there along with the detailed project report and income certificate from the village officer.

Primary verification as regards to age, income, skill and qualification to implement the project, correctness of the documents submitted etc will be done in the District Employment Exchange by the Employment Officer of the Self Employment Unit.

Scrutinised applications are submitted by the District Employment Officer to the District Committee for sanctioning loans through Nationalised Banks, District Co-operative Banks and Scheduled Banks. Sanctioning authority is the District Committee for MPSC/JC where District Panchayat President is the Chairman and District Employment Officer is the Convener. Government of Kerala is the appellate authority.

MPSC/JC beneficiaries will not be submitted against temporary vacancies but will be considered for regular vacancies.

For availing loan under this MPSC/JC the beneficiary can avail the benefit of Credit Guarantee Trust Scheme for Micro and Medium enterprises. If the scheme belongs to the sector of service/industry, this Trust will stand as surety for the loan amount. To avail this benefit, the beneficiary has to remit 1.5% for the first year and 0.75% thereafter of the total loan amount to this Trust.

When the loan is sanctioned a joint loan account is to be opened in the names of all the job club members. 10% of the total project cost is to be remitted in this loan account. Then the financial institution will inform the District Employment Officer about the sanctioning of the loan. The District Employment Officer will send the subsidy amount by means of Demand Draft to the loan account  of the beneficiaries.

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