Image result for gold loanThe Person who need money will go for Loan, Other than Home loan and vehicle loan one who need money for his personal reason may go for personal loan, but the personal loan interest rate is very high compared to other loans like Home loan, Vehicle loan. Thus one can go for Gold loan instead of going for personal loan. You may get gold loan at low interest rates. Nationalized banks give Gold loan at lowest interest rates but you must have a account in their branch. You can also avail gold loan in private Banks like HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank etc. The private finances like Manappuram Gold Loan, Koshamattam Finance, Mutthottu Finance also provide Gold loan at lowest interest rates with certain conditions- If you want more money per gram, you have to pay more interest rate than normal, If you can pay interest rate of 1 year you will get more than 2000 per gram and lowest interest rate which is 12% per anum in some finances.