The Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna 

The Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna (PMRY) scheme is to provide assistant to the educated unemployed persons. It relates to the setting up of self employment ventures through industry services and business routes.
The scheme is for all educated unemployed persons of age 18-35 years, with a 10 years age relaxation for SC/STs, ex-servicemen, physically handicapped persons and women. The scheme envisages 22.5% reservation for SC/ST and 27 % for Other Backward Class (OBCs).
All economically viable activities including agriculture and allied activities but excluding direct agricultural operations like raising crop, purchase of manure etc are covered under the scheme.

LOAN AMOUNT: Rs. 1.00 lakh for business sector, Rs. 2.00 lakhs for other activities. Rs. 10.00 lakhs for joint venture.

SUBSIDY: Subsidy is 15% of the project cost subject to the maximum of Rs. 7,500 per enterpreneur. Banks will be allowed to take margin money from the entrepreneur varying from 5% to 16.25% of the project cost so s to make the total of the subsidy and margin money equal to 20% of the project cost.

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