You need to repay the loan in monthly instalments on the due date as mentioned in the FacilityAdvice Letter. You are required to repay the loan EMI through Standing Instruction from your HSBC account/letter of authority to debit your HSBC account
Your instalment amount would comprise of principal and interest, that are payable in EMIs as set out in the loan agreement/ FacilityAdvice Letter
You would be required to pay outstanding balance, if any, pertaining to his loan account (after payment of all instalments) on the last EMI date as notified by us
You would be required to pay the instalments, irrespective of you utilising any of the loan funds disbursed by HSBC from the loan account as per the disbursal advice signed by yourselves
You need to ensure that the repayment instrument/instruction is honoured Accordingly, you must ensure that:
a. Sufficient funds are available in the designated account to be debited.
b. You do not cancel/put stop payment on the cheques/instruments given towards the loan agreement.
c. You do not cancel or vary payment arrangement/Standing Instructions (unless required by us) given towards the loan repayment.
d. You do not close or change the account on which repayment instrument is drawn (unless you make an alternate arrangement for the repayment as agreeable to us).
If you do not pay the instalment on or before the relevant due date; the outstanding loan amount and all accrued interest would become immediately due and payable. You would also be liable to pay the fee as set out in the Tariff Sheet

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