Every talented person going to take a Loan comapare all the fees, Interest rate, tenure, tax benefits. The comparison and choosing better one helps you in the future to save a lot. There is total transparency with regard to the rate of interest and the fees charged by State Bank of India

SBI offer housing loans with the lowest equated monthly installments, i.e. you pay substantially less in repayments as compared to others.
SBI have no upper limit. The loan amount is determined by repaying capacity and the value of property to be financed.
SBI offer loans for the longest tenors (up to 30 years) with the flexibility provided to reduce the tenor by prepaying the loan without any penalty.
SBI provide finance for both new and old houses/flats and for construction of houses. Cost of furnishing the house can also be included in the project cost.
SBI levy interest based on daily reducing balance, unlike the annual reducing balance method used by several other financiers/banks.

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